Most people think that simply finding an Australian Partner and “dumping” an application, one would get through “permanent visa” for Australia – you are wrong, absolutely wrong – because Dept of Home Affairs, Australia, is thoroughly checking each and every application and you must prove your relationship must be genuine and documents do not prove relationship. Always think of a HUGE visa fee which is now AUD$10,000 per application and if you fail, you will lose all this money, because the Dept will not refund visa fee under any circumstances.

BMS Global has been providing partner visa services for the last 25 years successfully. Partner visa applications are the toughest and they involve massive amounts of paperwork, submission of documents, and further submission of documents from time to time till the outcome of visa application. Also, it is two stages application, first stage is temporary and it takes more than a year to process and after waiting for another year, you can submit the next stage of permanent partner visa application and it will take another year to finalize partner visa application and in all, the process of partner visa is of min 3 years and in some cases, it may take 4 to 5 years. So, you must be patient to deal with the Dept. carefully.

Check your eligibility to apply for partner visa onshore or offshore:

  • If you are onshore, first, check, visa conditions, such as “no further visa;” it means you cannot be granted further visa in Australia. If you have “no further visa” you can request the Dept to waive this condition under ‘compelling and compassionate’ grounds. If condition is waived by Dept., you can apply partner visa onshore, if not, you must leave Australia and apply from outside Australia, and it will save you time & money.
  • If you are onshore and if you are ‘illegal’ or ‘unlawful’ or ‘visa ceased’ or ‘banned for breach of condition, you must contact us as we at BMS GLOBAL have dealt with such COMPLEX Cases many times in the past successfully. It is called ‘Schedule 3’ requirements when you do not have proper visa to apply partner visa onshore. There are provisions in the Migration Act 1958 and Regulations 1994 that Schedule 3 criteria can be waived under compelling and compassionate circumstances. Only Experienced Registered Migration Agent will be able to manage such complex cases, and we have 25 years of experience in dealing with complex partner visa cases. We can be contacted by email at OR by mobile + 61 416 014 257 OR simply fill out form on our website and we will reply to your query as soon as possible.
  • If you are onshore and have De-facto relationship, you must have lived together for 12 months before you apply – one day short you will face rejection, so, living together and providing proof of lease or rent agreement, bank accounts, travel, and other documents on joint name and on top of that you must have genuine De-facto relationship.
  • If you are married and wish to apply onshore, you must have given one month and one day notice to marriage celebrants to perform marriage ceremony (notice is to be given to Registry of Marriage either by yourself or through your marriage celebrant). Along with marriage certificate, you also must have documents of joint name bank accounts, joint travel, and declaration to society members and some other documents to apply onshore.
  • You also must undergo medical checks, police checks and other requirements mentioned at the time of application requirements for application to be considered as ‘valid application.’
  • If you have developed relationship either in Australia or outside Australia, either by arranged marriage or De-facto relationship, and if you can meet with criteria to apply, you can lodge offshore partner visa application from outside Australia.
  • The important thing to note in the partner visa application is that it is ONGOING process whereby you as an applicant and your partner as sponsor, both must continue to submit further documents and information time to time at the internal of at least 3 months and that will make further submission of documents at least 4 times a year. Dept will not ask you what you need to submit, but onus lies on you and your sponsor to provide further documentation time to time and many agents forget such requirements and applicants have ended up in miserable situations resulting in rejections of their applications and losing large amounts of govt. fees. The option would be to lodge an appeal, but the appeal fee is also now skyrocketed to $4,000 and it will be a costly and lengthy process of waiting for another 2-3 years before coming on board of Appeal Authority and receiving the first stage of partner visa which will be temporary visa. To avoid such situations, you are welcome to contact BMS GLOBAL by email or phone as we have tremendous experience of partner visa applications over the period of last 25 years.
  • Once you receive the first stage of partner visa, you must continue to collect documents to provide genuine relationship over the period of next year as after two years you can lodge second stage of partner visa application. Again, the process of the second stage will take at least another year and you may be granted permanent partner visa, thus, in all, partner visa process is of at least three years to finalize application. In some cases, it may take 4 to 5 years to finalize the application. The decision making of Dept is country specific who is coming from where – minimal risk to medium risk to substantial risk and according to risk level the processing of applications takes place – higher the risk of country greater will be time taken to process the applications. From our experience of last 25 years we can certainly tell you how the application will be judged by Dept and how soon it can be processed though time limit is beyond our control, however, we will provide the best and most satisfactory services for partner visa due to our vast experience.
  • We at BMS GLOBAL have processed various kinds of partner visa applications where we have successfully received partner visas for couples who had VAST Age Difference of 20, 30 or 40 years, where both the partners were of entirely different religion or culture or national origin, where partners were not able to communicate in English language, where partners were illegal, unlawful, visa ceased and successfully we dealt with Schedule 3 criteria to receive positive outcome of partner visa applications.
  • We at BMS GLOBAL have rendered services of partner visa successfully to Australian Farmers over the last 25 years where Australian Farmers have relationship with Asian partners from Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines and age difference was ranging 20 to 40 years. All those farmers whose partner visa applications were dealt by us successfully have been living together and have children born out of relationship and we are happy to see them living wonderful and meaningful life in Australia. From our personal contacts we do introduce partners from Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines to Australian Partners so that they can come to know each other and if found soul mates they ask us to process their partner visa applications and we do provide them our services of partner visas at the most affordable rates.
  • We at BMS GLOBAL can be contacted by email at OR by mobile + 61 416 014 257 OR simply filling out form in our website anytime suitable to you and we will reply to your query as soon as possible. Please refer to Testimonials provided to us by our past clients on our website