• Why it is so DIFFICULT for International Students to seek admission into Universities and Other Education Institutions in Australia?
  • Why is it a NIGHTMARE for International Students to study in Australia?
  • Why are hundreds and thousands of International Students REFUSED Student Visas for Australia?
  • Why are hundreds of International Students CANCELLED Student Visas for Australia?
  • Why International Students from Certain Countries and Certain Regions within those countries are BANNED to seek admission into Australian Educational Institutes?
  • Why are hundreds of International Students are DEPORTED from Airports when they arrived at Australian Airports from overseas?
  • Isn’t it INSULTING for International Students of Certain Countries to be treated like “Third Grade Students” by Department of Home Affairs, Australia?
  • Would International Student blame Department of Home Affairs, Australia or would they blame themselves for such HARSH Treatment? International Students have thousands of questions in their minds and terrible DISAPPOINTMENT when they are refused admissions and they are refused student visas for Australia; and when their visas are cancelled by Department of Home Affairs, Australia.

Yes, We have Answers for thousands of Questions of International Students because we have been providing services to International Students since last 25 years as Independent Education Consultant and Registered Migration Agent Number 0000548 trading as BMS GLOBAL, West Perth, WA, Australia, 6005; Email: ; Mobile: + 61 416 014 257; and Website: – please feel free to browse through Testimonials provided to us by our past clients in our website referred to above.

First, please do not blame Department of Home Affairs, Australia if you do not get admission into Australian Education Institutes or if your Student Visa is refused or if your Student Visa is cancelled or if you are deported from Australian Airport. Large numbers of International Students have taken disadvantage of generosity of Department of Home Affairs, Australia by providing BOGUS and FAKE documents, overstaying in Australia after completing studies or not studying at all or breaching of visa conditions or providing false and misleading information in application forms when you have applied for student visa or any other kind of visa for Australia.

Second, International Students do not wish to bear the costs for Initial Consulting or to engage Independent Education Consultant because they want FREE RIDE and FREE SERVICE. Australia is highly developed, and advanced country where do not expect anything FREE. Those who provide you FREE Service will misguide you and will not provide you with correct information.
Third, purpose of study must be CAREER oriented and not for the purpose of getting Permanent Residency in Australia – International Students must be GENUINE and come to Australia for HIGHER STUDY and not for working to earn money.

Well, HOW BEST, We at BMS GLOBAL, can assist International Students from our VAST Experience of last 25 years as Independent Education Consultant and Registered Migration Agent Number 0000548 trading as BMS GLOBAL, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia; Mobile: +61 416 014 257 and Email: and Website:

  • We are Independent Education Consultant and anyone who wishes to have our services will become our clients, pay our fees and we then proceed with providing the best services for selection of courses, selection of institutes, preparation of documents for admission and visa applications, applying student visas for International Student to Department of Home Affairs, Australia and follow up with Department till outcome of applications.
  • We do not work on commission from Institutes. Our Fees to provide student visa services are affordable and we split it into providing admission services and visa application services or both so that International Students will find our Fees affordable.
  • Australia offers world class education through its 42 Universities and their campuses all over Australia; TAFE Called Govt colleges for Career Oriented Job Ready education programs through hundreds of campuses; Private Business Colleges which are at least 2,000 of them and Schools which are governed by states and territories and private schools and Catholic Schools which are about 10,000 in Australia. So, International Students and their parents can imagine how difficult to select courses and institute which can build career for their children in Australia. Most importantly, how best their  children can settle in Australia after completing their studies in Australia – this is called Permanent Visa pathway and please remember that Immigration Laws of Australia are changing frequently so we as Registered Migration Agent can keep our clients fully informed about changes in Immigration Laws which can guide them to achieve their DREAMS to settle in Australia.
  • Australia has six states and two union territories and thousands of educational institutes spread all over Australia – which city of Australia International Students will seek for their education in Australia – some cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane are highly sought after cities for International Students but it is too difficult to get admission into such institutions; however, there are hundreds of institutions in cities like Perth, Adelaide, Canberra and Tasmania and here is where we can assist International Students to seek admission into the BEST and Economically Most Affordable and to fulfill their dreams of having part-time work at very good hourly rates and how best they can fulfill criteria to get permanent residency in Australia.
  • ​​​The Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for student visas with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement. This is effective for student visa applications lodged on and after 23 March 2024. All applicants for a student visa must be a genuine applicant for entry. They must stay as a student and be able to show an understanding that studying in Australia is the primary reason of their student visa. The GS requirement is intended to include students who, after studying in Australia, develop skills Australia needs and who then go on to apply for permanent residence.To be granted a student visa, all applicants must demonstrate they satisfy the genuine student criterion or the genuine student dependent criterion. In the online student visa application form, Dept will ask the applicant the below questions to address the GS criteria. 
    • Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances. This includes ties to family, community, employment and economic circumstances. 
    • Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this particular education provider. This must also explain their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia.
    • Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant.
    • Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include.

    Answers must be written in English, with a maximum of 150 words per question.

    There is an additional question for those applicants who have previously held a student visa or those who are lodging an application in Australia from a non-student visa.

    Along with the responses included in the application form, the applicant must attach supporting documents to their ImmiAccount. Generic statements unsupported by evidence are not given significant weight in the GS assessment. This means it is important to provide evidence to support a claim made by the applicant. Dept consider an applicant’s overall personal circumstances when Dept assess whether they are a genuine student.

    What evidence and information to include?

    Dept encourages applicants to provide evidence or information about:

    Previous study​​ in Overseas country (Home Country or any other country):

    • Academic transcripts showing qualifications achieved
    • Name of the education provider(s)
    • Length of study
    • Certificates of attainment

    Previous study in Australia​​​

    • A complete history of study record(s) in Australia
    • Reasons for change of course and/or education providers
    • Details of information on course progress
    • Study gaps of more than 2 months during an academic year
    • Any other information the applicant considers relevant to their study record in Australia

    Current employment​​

    • Details of their current employer and company address
    • Period of employment
    • Details of position held
    • The name and contact details of someone who can confirm the circumstances of the declared employment

    Circumstances in their home country or coun​try of residence

    • The nature of the applicant’s personal ties eg. example family, community and employment. They will need to provide reasons for not studying in their home country if a similar course is available.

    Economic​ circumstances in home country or country of residence

    • Documents showing employment or business activities for 12 months before lodging an application
    • Potential employment offers including salary and other benefits, after course completion
    • Income tax return or bank statements

    If there is political and civil unrest and military service commitments in the applicant’s home country that would present as a significant incentive for them to leave their home country, they must provide their reasons and supporting evidence.

    How Dept​​ assesses GS?

    The GS criterion focuses on the assessment of the student’s intention to genuinely study in Australia. It considers factors including the applicant’s:

    • circumstances
    • immigration history
    • compliance with visa conditions and any other relevant matter.

    This criterion acknowledges that post-study pathways are available for those who may be eligible.

    Situations in their ​​​home country (or country of residence)

    • reason for not studying in their home country or region if a similar course is available there
    • the nature of the applicant’s personal ties to their home country
    • economic circumstances
    • military service commitments political and civil unrest in their home country.

    Potential situation​ in Australia

    • level of knowledge of the proposed course and education provider
    • previous study and qualifications
    • planned living arrangements
    • financial stability.

    Value​​ of the course to their future

    • if the course is consistent with their current level of education and if the course will assist them to obtain employment or improve employment prospect in their home country or another country.
    • if the course is relevant to past or proposed future employment in their home country or another country
    • expected salary and other benefits in their home country or another country obtained with the applicant’s qualifications from the proposed course of study.

    Immigration ​history

    • visa and travel history for Australia and other countries
    • previous visa applications for Australia or other countries
    • visa refusals or cancellations.

    If the applicant is a minor, Dept considers the intentions of the parent, legal guardian or spouse.

    Any othe​​r relevant matter

    Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include in their application.​

    For more information, refer to Ministerial Direction No. 106 (348KB PDF)

  • Finance Statement, another important statement to be prepared to seek admission and to apply for student visa for Australia. This is also time-consuming exercise. Who will bear the costs of study, why that person will bear the costs of study, from where the person has secured such a large amounts of money, how fund is accumulated and what is the source of income, what is proof of income, what about income tax paid on income earned by that person and so on, while making finance statements various factors are to be considered. Normally, a student himself or herself or their parents are allowed to show finance available into their bank accounts or approved bank loans deposited into their bank accounts can be shown as proof of finance available. Third party finance also can be considered case to case basis if it is proved why third party wishes to bear the large costs of study in Australia. A large majority of International Students have been submitting BOGUS and FRAUD and FAKE documents for finance requirements and Department rejects such cases as they when investigate find that the students have submitted bogus documents. The department has been using software for genuine tests and engaging various agencies and private investigators all over the world to make sure that genuine documentation has been submitted by International Students. We have tremendous experience of dealing with Department on day- to-day basis since last 25 years and we take all care of checking all documents before submitting to Australian Education Institute or Department of Home Affairs, Australia so that our clients received positive outcome either for admission or student visa applications.

  • New Developments, New Technologies and New Innovations are taking place every minute in this world so International Students do not have much idea about what to study and where to study in Australia. Australia is seeking International Students of High Caliber who wish to study Higher Education in Australia – New Educational Fields such as Agricultural Technology, Financial Technology, Renewable Energy, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Space Research, Drone Technology, Cyber Security, Analytics & Big Data, Health Diagnosis, Cannabis, Biohacking and Machine Learning and so on, the list is endless. Traditionally, International Students have been taking admissions into Arts, Science, Commerce, Information Technology, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicines and Teaching and other fields, however, world is changing so rapidly, and climate changes have created havoc all over the world so Higher Education leads to latest innovations in all spheres of life of humanity. Australia offers education through more than 10,000 institutions leading to Certificates to Diplomas to Degrees to Postgraduate Degrees to Ph.D. Research Degrees. Costs of study and living expenses are ENORMOUS beyond reach of ordinary people so how international students will choose a particular course and institute and how they will meet with huge expenses of study in Australia. Here is where our experience of 25 years as Independent Education Consultant and Registered Migration Agent assist International Students to secure the best admission and student visa to study in Australia.
  • HOMESTAY Services – Australia is facing acute shortages of housing and rents have gone skyrocketing and premises are not available, and this situation is putting international students in miserable conditions. We at BMS GLOBAL have been providing HOMESTAY services to international students by assisting them to find the most appropriate accommodation at the most appropriate price to live and study in Australia.
  • We welcome GENUINE, Financially Sound and Fluent in English and High Caliber International Students to seek our assistance to get admissions into Australian Educational Institutes and to apply for student visa for Australia to Dep of Home Affairs, Australia. Please feel free to contact us through Email:; or Mobile: + 61 416 014 257 or through our Website: anytime suitable to you. We are very much occupied with hundreds of enquiries from all over the world, so we try to respond to you as soon as possible within 2-3 days of receiving enquiries. We WELCOME INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS TO COME and Study in Australia!




  • Australia offers world class School Education right from year 1 to year 12 to International Students aged 6 to 18 – from year 8 to 12 (age 14 to 17) Students HOMESTAY will be available so they would not need their parents or close relatives as Guardian – How wonderful is this! The reason is that HOMESTAY will save thousands of dollars for guardians to come to Australia! Applying for Guardian Visa is a nightmare for parents of International Child as they must meet stringent requirements. Also, guardians are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK IN AUSTRALIA. Housing rent has skyrocketed and very difficult to find rental premises and local traveling, food, transportation, and other things cost too much – and with HOMESTAY for school students for the year 8 to 12, no guardian need to come to Australia as Schools will provide guardianship! We at BMS GLOBAL provide HOMESTAY services to International School Students without charging an extra fee – our fee includes admission, preparation of documents for admission and visa applications and HOMESTAY services.
  • Schools in Australia start in January each year; however, school can admit a child anytime of the year, isn’t it GREAT! It is advisable that International School Students contact us as soon as possible because all the processes of admission, preparation of documents for admission and visa application, lodgment of student visa application and follow up with Dept, all these activities are time consuming, and we do need plenty of time to provide you the most appropriate services for school admission for your children.


  • Admission point of view, the schools in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane will aways have higher priority from local as well as international students so we do prefer admission in schools in Western Australia and South Australia as Perth and Adelaide cities are very promising cities for your children to grow up in free to sky cities with plenty of sunshine, sea beaches, gardens, sports, and entertainment.
  • No English Test required for School Admission, however, if your child’s English is not up to a standard required, your child will have to undertake additional classes of extensive English learning and you would need to pay extra tuition fee on top of regular tuition fees.
  • Normally School Tuition Fees are ranging between A$14K to A$18K per year for year 8 to 12 school students plus living costs A$25K plus return airfare A$3K, total finance to show will be A$46K, parents DO NOT need to transfer all these money to Australia but must prove they have enough finance to provide to their children while studying in Australia. Please note that some school charge fee up to A$25K or more per year so school tuition fees will depend on the school you choose for your child. We at BMS GLOBAL will assist you in choosing the most appropriate school for your child from our experience of 25 years of dealing with International Students.
  • School Tuition fees can be paid in 4 installments or sometimes monthly installments may be permitted so the case with HOMESTAY which can be paid every 28 days cycle period. Living costs estimated A$25K but HOMESTAY can cost A$50 per night which will include meals 3 times a day 7 days a week, Internet charges and Accommodation so it will be most economical for your child costing only A$1,400 for 28 nights and in one year A$14K because student will have two months break during Christmas when student can return to home country to live with their parents so they can save charges for HOMESTAY.
  • If you are seriously and sincerely interested for your child to study in Australia, please contact us by email at; Mobile: + 61 416 014 257; or fill in form at our Website:


  • Australia offers world class education programs in career-oriented occupations of various kinds such as Commercial Cookery to become a Chef; Carpentry to become a Carpenter or a Cabinet Maker; Bricklayer; Wall & Floor Tiler, Painter, Draftsperson, and a few other occupations in Building & Construction where a student can become a job ready person after completing study in Australia. Please note that all occupations are not offered to Internatinoal Students – only certain occupations are offered to International Students. These courses are offered through Govt Colleges called TAFE (Technical and Further Education) or through Private Business Colleges spread all over Australia. We have tremendous experience of last 25 years dealing with these trade colleges and we can provide the best consultation and student visa services for these trade courses to study in Australia.
  • Courses range from a Certificate level to Diploma to associate degree and tuition fees range from A$6K to $12K per semester and there will be four semesters in one course that is two years of course, and some courses will be either more than 2 years of study or less than two years of study in Australia. Living cost, A$25K for single person and return airfare A$3K for single person so total you must show finance available to the tune of A$40K (you do not bring all these money to Australia but must prove that you have access to this fund to study in Australia).
  • International Students aged 18 and over are allowed to work part-time in Australia, and it will be 24 hours per week and full time 40 hours per week or more during vacations. Hourly rate ranges between A$28 to A$35 per hour in Australia and students can earn sufficient money to bear their day-to-day costs, however, Dept insists that international students must pay attention to their studies in Australia and must have more than 80% attendance and satisfactory progress in their studies in Australia.

  • Full-time work visa of 18 months will be available to those international students whose occupations are listed on subclass 485 visa subclass – the list of occupation can be accessed from Dept website Here is where we at BMS GLOBAL will assist International students to select the most appropriate career course and institute so that they can get full time work visa of 18 months after completing their studies in Australia and later they become eligible to apply for skills assessment of their occupation and further work visa under employer sponsorship program or apply for skilled migration. We are Registered Migration Agent of 25 years of experience and if you are our client we will keep you informed about how best you can achieve your DREAMS to settle in Australia.
  • International students can contact us at email or by Mobile: + 61 416 014 257 or fill in online form on our website if you wish to study career oriented course in Australia to achieve your dream of having permanent residency in Australia.


  • Australia offers world class higher education to international students through its 42 world class universities and their campuses spread across all over Australia. Traditionally, International students are seeking admissions into Arts, Science, Commerce, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Information technology, Engineering and Medical courses; however, now Australia being highly developed and highly advanced country wishes that International students come to study much higher level education in latest technology, latest innovation and latest developments such as Cyber Security, Data Science, Analytics & Big Data, Finance technology, Agriculture technology, Robotics, Drone technology, Artificial Intelligence, Space Research, and other highly related courses which can benefit Australia to stand alone with rest of the world. Here is where we at BMS GLOBAL can assist international students to seek admission into higher level education in above said fields – Australian university fees will be A$40K per annum but we can find you course and institute at half the prices say A$20K per annum which can save you thousands of dollars and yet you can gain world class education in Australia. There are about 10,000 institutes and it is Herculean Task to find the most appropriate institute and course and all these involve lot of time so we provide our services to those International Students who become our clients, pay our fees and we then proceed to provide the best services which can bring in admission for them and student visa for them to fulfil their dreams to have work visa after completing their studies in Australia and become eligible to apply for permanent residency in Australia.
  • Thousands of International Students are not getting admission into Australian Universities, and Huge Numbers of International Students are not getting student visa and Large Numbers of International students are receiving Visa Cancellation – all these things when happen it brings in total Disappointment in the minds of Internatinoal Students – and they start thinking in negative way that why such things happening to them – reality is that, you as International students must come to Australia for HIGHER STUDY in latest technology, latest developments and latest innovation which can help the world to find solutions for climate change and increase food production to remove hunger from the world, and bring security to live safe life in this world. In short, how best you can help mankind and this earth so that future generations can live peacefully on this earth planet. Ordinary study of traditional courses mentioned above you can very well study in your home country so no need of coming to Australia, however, if you wish to build up your career and if you wish to proceed further for advanced level of study, you are welcome to Australia. We at BMS GLOBAL can assist you to get admission into traditional courses as well as advanced level courses to fulfill your dreams to study in Australia and to settle in Australia.

  • We have provided services to international students as an Independent Education Consultant and Registered Migration Agent for the last 25 years. We do not depend on the commission from the institute. We do not dump the international students into ordinary institutions to earn big commission from institutions. We thoroughly check each institute, their courses, and their reliability to provide world class education to international students and then we recommend course and institute, and we then ask for offer letter, pay them tuition fees for Confirmation of Enrolment, we assist international students to prepare GTE and Finance statements and apply for student visa for Australia. We charge our fees to provide our services.
  • International students can contact us at Email:; Mobile: + 61 416 014 257; or fill in form on our website anytime suitable to you and we will be happy to revert to your enquiry as soon as possible.
  • We welcome international students to come and study in Australia and we have tremendous experience of dealing with international students since last 25 years so we can provide you the most appropriate consultation to fulfill your dreams to settle in Australia.