“It was very lengthy process of Sponsorship, Nomination, Visa Application, Skills assessment and meeting with other requirements of English test, Health & Police check etc. in my application of Restaurant Manger for subclass 457 visa but I must appreciate services provided by Mr Satish Patel, Migration Agent for successful outcome of all the stages of my application mentioned here. The agent has vast knowledge and experience of immigration laws and I would certainly recommend his services to others who have complex problems.” Sandeep Kumar Mourya, India.
“Our family received subclass 886 , permanent visa and our family’s application was processed by Mr Satish Patel, migration agent. We are grateful to Satish Patel for providing us excellent customer service and we wish him good luck for the future.”
–Mrs Sukhdeep Kaur, Mr Jatinder Saini, Mr Bhupraj Singh, India.