Business Visa for Australia
Q. Can I do business in Australia?
A. Yes, anyone can do business in Australia; providing it is not a kind of business which is ‘unethical’.
Q. Can I get residency rights in Australia by investing A$1 million or A$2 million or more?
A. No, you will never get residency rights in Australia by investing a million or two million or more. Anyone who wishes to have business visa for Australia must meet with eligibility to apply, and meet with criteria of visa, and health & character requirements and if approved by dept of immigration, you will be granted either temporary or permanent visa for Australia.
Q. How would I know I would be eligible for Business Visa for Australia?
A. You can refer to information provided by dept of immigration of Australia on their website or refer to our website www.mynextstopaustralia.com or contact us for further information. Australian Immigration Laws are Complex and Changing frequently so it is extremely difficult to provide all the information and you are requested to seek initial consulting from Registered Migration Agent.
Q. How many types of Business Visa for Australia?
A. There are several types of business visa for Australia. Different streams under one visa subclass can be observed. Business visa can be temporary for certain period of time and then you can apply for permanent visa if you meet with criteria. There is one subclass in which you can apply for permanent business visa and it is subclass 132.
Q. What is the max age limit for business visa?
A. Max age limit for business visa is 55 years but applicants above 55 years of age also can apply for business visa provided the business can bring in great economic benefits to that region of Australia or can generate more employment for local people of Australia.
Q. Is there any point system for business visa?
A. Yes, business visa are point tested and also based on investment of A$5 million or A$15 million where point system is not applicable. The passing points are 65 for business visa and points are awarded for age, education, business turnover, English level, years of experience in business, state or territory sponsorship and a few other factors. Please refer to our website www.mynextstopaustralia.com for detailed information about business visa for Australia.
Q. Do we provide initial consulting for business visa?
A. Yes, we do provide detailed initial consulting for business visa and please feel free to contact us by email mentioned on our website.